With less than month left until everyone heads back to
school here is a little summary of what the alpine team has been doing the past
few months.
For starters two of our fabulous skiers (Sierra and Hannah)
are now abroad for fall semester, Sierra down under in Melbourne Australia, and
Hannah just made it to Namibia Africa!
While in Melbourne Sierra was able to get in touch with one of our incoming freshman skiers, Annabel Mahon, and got to ski with her for a few
days at Mt. Buller!
Many of our other skiers were able to hit the slopes over
the summer too.
Two incoming freshmen, Griffin and Tagert Mueller, were able
to ski at Whistler, and Hannah was also at Whistler this summer.
(Sierra left, Annabel right, skiing at Mt Buller)
(Griffin and Tagert
in Whistler)