Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dartmouth Carnival

The Dartmouth carnival ended up being a battle with the weather. For the GS it was cold, snowy and windy as winter storm Nemo moved into the northeast.  The SL was cancelled do to high winds.

GS Highlights


Chris Bradbury put together two solid runs to finish 28 from bib 60. Tanner Dirstine was our second finisher in 31st.  The remainder of the men unfortunately did not qualify for the second run.


The first run went really for the women on a very turny GS for the Dartmouth Skiway. Avril Dunleavy was sitting in 7th, Emily Bamford 11th, Zoe Livingston 14th and Emily Hayes 18th.  The set on run 2 was what we've come to expect at Dartmouth, straight and fast.  Emily Hayes moved up a couple of spots to 16th. Zoe ended up 17th. Emily Bamford was having a very strong second run when a gust of wind kicked up creating a complete whiteout. Emily somehow managed to find her way through the bottom of the course but the damaged had been done and she slipped back to 25th.  Avril was a second run DNF.

Katie Fitzpatrick (Credit: Cory Ransom)

Emily Bamford (Credit: Cory Ransom)

Avril Dunleavy (Credit: Cory Ransom)

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